12:25 am
DING. Pretty easy. Only one important virtual.
6:27 am
Why do I find the Mediums so much more difficult than the hards? curious,...
6:30 am
You are definitely not alone in that thought GreyDragon.
6:31 am
Except kaos never seems to have trouble or need greens
6:31 am
yet, there are more moediums than all the other rankings in this game
6:32 am
If it takes me over 10 minutes, I had trouble :)
6:35 am
You're good. "smooth pappa" is about the same, but I haven't seen him in the chats for a while...
6:44 am
Thank you. Have a great day.
8:48 am
Took around 11 minutes but no green. Not a bad medium.
1:56 pm
Difficulty score 18. No green, but I was tempted.
2:04 pm
As for the most common puzzle here, that would be the Easy puzzles. By my count there have been 510 easy puzzles, 397 mediums, 228 hards and 90 experts.
2:07 pm
I'm pretty sure I have made a classification error or 2, but not many, so the numbers below are close but not gospel.
2:14 pm
Why are the mediums so hard? I think Inge is on to something, even if mediums are only the 2nd most numerous puzzle type. Easy puzzles only require 2 basic techniques: cross-hatching and missing digit scan. These techniques actually solve for the content of an empty cell and can be used independently, e.g. the result of 1 technique is not needed before you can apply the other technique.
2:17 pm
Medium puzzles and above use analysis techniques that do not (always) directly solve an empty cell, but may just eliminate a possibility or 2. Techniques of analysis often must be used in combination with each other. So perhaps that distinquishes the Easy puzzles from the rest and since the Mediums are the most numberous of the rest of the puzzles there are bound to be more tough ones.
10:07 pm
done with a few greens at the end