6:00 am
Very pleased to utilize the rarely used method of redundancy method on this cookie
9:55 am
Difficulty score 32. No green.
10:11 am
I stand corrected, Unike - I'm afraid I'm not that advanced a player . . .
4:08 pm
Gretchen: I didn't quite understand Unike's explanation of his distributed elimination technique. But from my own experience I can say that I have "discovered" various new and unusual techniques that on further reflection just turned out to be a unique way of spotting a more basic technique. On the other hand, the simplest puzzles sometimes present the opportunity to use advanced techniques, but the puzzles are simple because they can be solved without using the advanced techniques. Did I confuse you enough?
6:16 pm
Angie: Is the method of redundancy method one of Prof. Felloff's hacks?
6:19 pm
I have sometimes thought that redundancy might be a clue. ie. put a number in a cell that blocks only cells already blocked -- something like that.