12:41 am
Difficulty score 47. No green.
12:50 am
Hi mab. If you're still here?
1:15 am
Done with the puzzle. Nice one.
4:27 am
no guesses needed in this one
4:43 am
done with a couple of guesses
6:29 am
Much easier than yesterday.
6:39 am
Found today's to be miscategorized. It was a typical easy, no greens no guesses, no extreme solving techniques required. Conversely yesterday's probably was the most difficult expert I have encountered here. There were too many chains for my feeble brain to handle without using greens.
8:19 am
wooohoo....finally got an expert grid
8:20 am
what are you referring to when you say greens?
9:13 am
I thought this was an easy expert?????????
10:43 am
I would also like to know what greens are?
10:47 am
On the grid in an empty square, if you hold the shift key down when selecting a number, you get a little green number in a pattern. You can choose several green number in a square. These can get place holders for possible solutions. Reds are numbers that appear when doing alt while select a number. Android phone without keyboards cannot select these, I believe. At least I have not found a way to select greens or reds on smart phones.
10:48 am
... if you have the pad up which lets you enter a number and then you hold the SHIFT KEY down while you enter that number ... you get a smaller green number in the grid which you can use like a note ... you can also get two or more green numbers in a cell until such time as you figure out the correct number
11:34 am
Here's one very simple technique I've never seen anyone talk about, probably because it's just common sense. Used it to crack this puzzle. Adjacent numbers within a box, in other words two numbers on the same horizontal or vertical plane - if you find that the same two numbers are on the same plane in the next box then they will be on the same plane in the third.
11:37 am
And if those two numbers are askew or on an opposite plane in the second box, ie vertical instead of horizontal, then they will also be askew in the third box.
12:16 pm
Thank you for the answer to what are greens. It works.
5:58 pm
I wish I knew what jackt meant..... sigh