12:24 am
Difficulty score 40. No green.
12:25 am
Easier than yesterday's hard.
12:26 am
Oops, I didn't do yesterday's. The hard I referred to was Sunday's hard.
1:51 am
Did it. Simple enough with one green.
6:21 am
done... pretty easy for an "expert" level
9:45 am
of th 8 iterations of each array (usually assymetric) some iterations may be easier to solve than others uggestionsdue to brain orientation functions...just a
9:48 am
I am find a significant percentage of the 'easy' puzzles tedious to solve...whereas some of the 'hard' / expert versions are very smooth flowing...those are rare tho
9:51 am
so as an experiment one could 'reorient any puzzle to the other iterations and may find it easier to resolve...which may be going on brain-wise aanyway...brain juggles the image...orientaion is both l/r and u/d
11:14 am
oh dear, i'm so much happier when i don't look and see that it's expert.
11:30 am
The problem is that experts announce themselves--they always start with a clickathon which suddenly grinds to a halt. So when I'm merrily clicking away, it has to be either a very easy-easy or an expert.
11:32 am
21filled in and slowing down
11:32 am
right and i was thinking easy, and then looked.
11:36 am
25 filled and stuck--save for later...greens, maybe
11:38 am
I wonder if there is something intrinsic in the expert metric that requires them to have a significant number of spaces filled by cross-hatching. Or is is just Dr God showing his mercy by not having to scratch out a toehold to start the puzzle, only to have it turn into an expert with every box susceptible to five or six possibilities.
11:41 am
I believe this is the first expert I've ever done w/o greens. Seemed very easy to me.
8:48 pm
done with a guess, but no greens!