12:41 am
one early trick did it - maybe an expert but easy ? <45
8:39 am
nasty one -- lots of dead ends before I found a forcing chain
9:11 am
16 filled in and slow going
9:17 am
dear people who think revving an engine makes you cool, it doesn't. it just makes you annoying.
9:18 am
hokie carla
was this stopped at a red light, like they wanted to race? or just in general?
9:18 am
i'm in my office - motorcycle outside
9:23 am
hokie carla
seems like there is only expert or easy anymore. Guess I'm not complaining, though, since I hate mediums most of all.
9:23 am
i used to but now i am starting to hate experts most.
9:26 am
hokie carla
yeah, they definitely take me a while. Will probably have to come back to this later with fresh eyes.
10:34 am
This one got the brain cells a-poppin'!
12:48 pm
DING. One lucky guess and one bad guess marked with reds. The second guess I might have reasoned through without reds if I had made the effort.
11:01 pm
Did the June 8 Expert with just one bad guess.