1:14 am
I like the mediums because they offer more of a challenge than the easy ones and are not as much work as the experts.
3:41 am
feels like all these experts want to teach us a lesson but all i learn is that some guesses are easier than others:-(
5:10 am
ha While the chat was loading I was thinking what MrOoijer said, Dr. God is teaching a lesson to all the whiners complaining about too many easy puzzles.
6:01 am
done... loving this run of experts
6:25 am
one good guess and it unraveled like old twine
9:01 am
I must have made the same guess as fit1, because it went really fast after the second guess worked!
9:20 am
but tuco, it punishes ALL of us, not just the whiners complaining about too many easy puzzles. :(
9:56 am
Ahhhhh....finished April!
3:27 pm
I keep making some mistake that makes both of my choice alternatives wrong and I need to restart again and again, but it seems to be a different mistake each time.
3:51 pm
At last. No greens. But plenty of mistakes and two restarts. Finally, one bad guess set me straight.
4:03 pm
hokie carla
whew, finally caught up with all those experts over Ind. Day weekend and today.