1:18 am
So frustrating, the server temper tantrum went on for a long time today.
2:07 am
I finished the puzzle in 20 minutes but the server threw another temper tantrum and I lost it all...
8:48 am
digondda, I'd suggest that while you're working on the puzzle, click on "save as checkpoint" every once in a while. Then if the server throws a tantrum, you'll still have what you've saved to that point.
10:27 am
Jainie - I usually do save as checkpoint throughout the puzzle, but today it wouldn't let me as no sooner had i started the puzzle than the server threw another tantrum.
12:15 pm
I finished the whole thing and then WHAM. It didn't save it. Here we go again.
5:18 pm
Dooes anyone know why the ranks of the elite never seem to exceed 60? I've not done a formal study, but whenever I look, the total number is under 60.
5:49 pm
EZPZ. There was a little logic different from the usual, but not hard. No green. No guess. No waiting.
5:53 pm
The new kind of logic was of this form: "I'm going to need a 5 in this block and one in this line, but unless it goes where the block and line intersect, it won't go anywhere else.
7:11 pm
To Jrs - I'm guessing it has to do with how many have paid and have 'red status' - all the way done to Ed** - notice the gap in totals. I paid for a 'red status' to accumulate as many points as my best friend who started playing 2 years before me. I know that I will have 'Elite' status someday - but I probably have 2,500+ 'easy' to accomplish this level.
7:15 pm
change done to down. This great Sudoku site is not a bell curve with as many '1's as '5's', it is more like a steep ski slope with 80% easy and 5% expert.