2:41 am
ng/ng - just one not too advanced technique in the end.
5:32 am
Ha in' trouble...that is.
8:49 am
greens, but no guesses needed
11:07 am
Difficulty score 54. No green.
11:54 am
ph no! right at the very end and I made a mistake somewhere - thought it was going too easy for an 'expert' - sheeesh
12:01 pm
oh no - not again! What's my problem???
3:15 pm
It was all going too easy for an expert. And when it was nearly done I discovered it wasn't and had to restart. So I did it differently, and got near the end and had to restrart. Now on try 3....
4:13 pm
OK, Restart 4, I will do this another day.
4:56 pm
Did it, no green, no guess, no advanced technique of any kind. Just a type two unique rectangle and a tandem virtual.
5:11 pm
SPOILER ALERT. Don't read this if you still want to do it on your own. But before you take an early guess, I think you'd have more fun if you look really closely at the ones.
6:06 pm
I did something wrong at the beginning too and had to start over - used greens and 1 guess. Unike - I've always wondered how you always see unique rectangles without using greens. I don't even see them when I use greens - I'm not sure I've ever seen one. It could be that I already have part of the rectangle filled in before I look for them. I don't know.
11:28 pm
Unique rectangles and Unike are a pair. I never look for them. They don't seem to be necessary. But everyone has his own style.