1:17 am
Difficulty score 43. No green.
3:42 am
really easy, but with coloring tricks
6:21 pm
Good example demonstrating there's more than one way to solve these "experts". Did it without coloring. One box of numbers in section three and six eliminated that same number in section 1, which in turn reduced everything down to a bug in section 8. (Spoiler alert - this is a one time deal. I won't be posting clues again; don't read further unless you want the key numbers, which are (%1% for unleashing the sections, %4% for resolving the bug).
8:00 pm
It has an "either way, fill it in." It's not getting me very far, however.
8:24 pm
Did it, no green, no guess. Pretty nice. I'll give it a 34.