10:42 am
javascript: for (i=1; i<=9; i++) { for (j=1; j<=9; j++) { if (grid[i][j].value == "") { ClearTinySquares(i,j); } } } for (i=1; i<=9; i++) { for (j=1; j<=9; j++) { if (grid[i][j].value != "") { var tmp_value = grid[i][j].value; for (k=1; k<=9; k++) { for (l=1; l<=9; l++) { if (grid[k][l].value == "") { if ((Math.ceil(i/3) == Math.ceil(k/3) && Math.ceil(j/3) == Math.ceil(l/3)) || i == k || j == l) { grid[k][l]["mini"][tmp_value] = -1; } } } } } } } for (i=1; i<=9; i++) { for (j=1; j<=9; j++) { if (grid[i][j].value == "") { for (k=1; k<=9; k++) { if (grid[i][j]["mini"][k] != -1) grid[i][j]["mini"][k] = 1; else grid[i][j]["mini"][k] = 0; } } } } PopulatePuzzle(grid); void(0);
10:43 am
How do you get this to work again?
11:21 am
in Chrome you can just open the dev tools (F12) and paste it into the console
12:07 pm
Pls forgive my ignorance which extends to nearly all features on my computer, but: (1) so one jsut clicks on F12 once opening up Chrome, and (2) where is the console?
12:10 pm
To forestall quesitons, I changed my browser to Chrome when I heard Internet Explorer was going belly up. Then I discovered I could not paste greens into Chrome like I used to do with Explorer. So I kept Explorer for the sole purpose of playing Iron Sudoko w/greens.
12:11 pm
jsut s/b just and of course quesitons s/b questions. I know this, but my fingers do their own thing.
12:11 pm
Going off line now; am hugely embarrassed.
12:33 pm
F12 should bring up a pane with some developer controls, at the top are tabs, the far right tab should be console. Once selected, you should see a '>', click in the white space after the '>' and paste that code then hit enter; instant greens.
2:09 pm
DING. I had the hardest time getting started. I'm giving it a 24.