1:23 am
Difficulty score 11. No green.
2:51 am
HK Australian to US translation lesson 1
2:51 am
Septics - septic tank - Yank ( showing my Cockney heritage)
2:52 am
Mickey - taking the p..s, extracting the Michael, making fun of
2:57 am
Bogan - usually a cashed up bogan - drives a Holden or Ford Ute (i(i.e. a pick up truck)earns too much money working in the mines - not so common these days, wears a blue vest, shorts and thongs (flip-flops - type of footwear) and has a currie hanging out of the corner of his mouth (cigarette), Good wholesome person but prone to behaving badly when he's had a slab of tinnies (carton of 30 bears bought at the local drive through liquor store)
2:58 am
Phew, this is going to be harder than I thought. Maybe we should both speak English!
3:06 am
HK One of those quirks of the world.I'm playing the puzzle on a day that hasn't existed yet for you! In fact today it could be said not just tomorrow but next month.
7:41 am
Phil - enjoying your monologue. But please, can't you keep Bindi there?
8:32 am
interesting puzzle. First time through the crosshatching, it was very sparse; second time it all just fall into place.
12:08 pm
Antipodean didactic taking over
4:06 pm
Diane - Phil is not 'having a monologue' - he is giving me lessons in how to talk Aussie. And whaddya mean, keep Bindi there!?!?! I'll take her anytime - can never get enough Bindi for me - what a breath of fresh air!
4:08 pm
Loving the 'slab of tinnies'! I favor curries, your kind. And you seem to have totally different cars than we do, never heard of those! Yeah, we have flip-flops too, but thongs 'cover' (or not) a completely different body part, lol!