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Difficulty: Easy Wednesday, February 24, 2016

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CHAT LOG for Wednesday, February 24, 2016

12:09 am

Done. ng, ng.
12:16 am

12:16 am

12:16 am

12:24 am

Done, very easy
2:25 am

Glass Steagall. The Fairness Doctrine.
2:35 am

So capitalism is regulated stealing?
3:57 am

drwho,our health system, called medicare rebates directly the doctors bills up to a certain value. Many are entirely for called bulk billing. You can choose your doctor so you can choose one thats free or pay about AU$15 on top for one who doesn't bulk bill.
3:59 am

You can also choose whether to get treated free in a public hospital or use private health insurance which may refund typically half your overall bill and go private which usually only means you get it done a bit quicker. Free hospital treatments are of the same high standard.
4:01 am

Of course you've probably also heard of our amazing Royal Flying Doctor Service which is funded by donations and will fly to our very remote locations, often landing on roads or bush runways to fly the injured to the main hospitals. (Free to the patient naturally)
4:01 am

Oh and they don't discriminate against you if you're unlucky enough to be unemployed!
4:04 am

But hey, if you think the US system is fairer I'd love to know. costs are kept in check as best the government can, particularly the ridiculous ever increasing costs from US pharmas which really are a licence to steal, from the worlds people. We try to use universities to develop medicines at an affordable price.
4:04 am

4:09 am

4:43 am

Hey HK, are the comedians jumping for joy at the ridiculous prospect of Trump becoming President? We have a great TV programme on the ABC here called Q and A, on free to air like most of our TV. Politicians on all sides were asked by a member of the public to imagine Trump as President. Much laughter ensued. I hear his Q and A on twitter went well!
5:21 am

5:21 am

5:29 am

done, ng
6:10 am

Phil, there are some that you just can't bother with the facts, because no matter what, they know better. I can tell you over here the comedians are already jumping for joy with the absurd political season.
6:17 am

Thought they might be. The preaching to the converted is a bit like one of your TV evangelists! Do they ever actually debate policies, answering questions from members of the public who are undecided, and have policy implications costed out by independent bodies?
6:46 am

Hey Di, how do you get the old flag up there. Thought it about time I loaded an image - who can name the marsupial - they're a bit odd marsupials, 70% 334 of them in Australia. You have one too. This one is only found wild in WA, less than a thousand left in the wild.
9:40 am

9:43 am

Only in America would a company defy a court order to make adjustments to their own product and therefore to allow a law enforcement agency to retrieve information about illegal activity. A very dangerous and stupid thing to fight. They have missed the point. When freedom of information comes up against a warrant from a court of law, it must be obeyed otherwise you have anarchy.
9:44 am

Phil - If you fill in your country in your profile, the flag pops up.
9:49 am

Thanks but it is in there. Strange. Maybe my iMac is getting too big for it's boots! Apple is making a few crazy decisions. Making a software update that without warning makes owners who have an aftermarket replacement screen fitted end up with a phone that won't work.
9:51 am

Maybe you have to fill in your gender as well? Everybody with a flag seems to have a pink or blue person.
9:53 am

it like Ford not only telling it's users the cars warranty is null and void if you put aftermarket wheels on but disable the car so you can't drive it! Come on Apple, you'll be losing class actions on this one. Maybe Apple will also spit the dummy when they're eventually made to pay their fair share of taxes on the profits they make in each country instead of rotting the system.
9:54 am

The American marsupial is the opossum -- quite common throughout North and South America. Not nearly as cute as some Australian marsupials.
9:55 am

"spit the dummy" ?
9:55 am

hen they were the little guy, but they're starting to act like all the other major corporations. I might have to buy a Sumsung and a new computer that doesn't run windows or OSX.
9:57 am

Possums are a pain, especially in your roof. Nick your food out of the pantry too. But pretty cute.
9:58 am

he dummy - childish yelling.
9:59 am

Sorry, Spit the dummy - childish yelling
10:00 am

Pass it onto HK too, I think a bit of Aussie slang makes her smile
10:07 am

The common Virginia opossum that we have around here is ugly. They seem to live in the storm drains. They'll come up on my deck to drink from the bowl of water I put out for the cats, but otherwise don't seem to do any harm.
10:08 am

10:09 am

I believe Phil's marsupial is a numbat, otherwise known as a banded anteater.
10:53 am

How about a Wombat?
10:56 am

Difficulty score 10. That one almost solved itself.
11:20 am

Apple: Does anyone know if iPhone data is encrypted? If the data the feds want is encrypted probably even Apple can't get it.
11:24 am

If the data is not encrypted then the feds can get it themselves without Apple's help.

If the feds want Apple to create a way to unlock a locked iPhone I can see Apple's reluctance.
11:25 am

11:27 am

To get unencrypted iPhone data would require removing the physical media (memory card or chips) and putting them in another computer system that can read the media. In theory the feds could do that for themselves.
11:31 am

But if Apple creates a hack to break their log-in security measures, it could get out to the hacker public and nobody's iPhone would be secure.
11:31 am

EZPZ. 12.
11:34 am

In one sense, I kinda thought political banter inappropriate for a Sudoku game. But now I'm feeling encouraged. It looks like Sudoku players are not the "safe space" college wimps that demand everybody shut up. Carry on.
11:38 am

Tuco: can you reconcile the fairness doctrine with the 1st amendment?
2:02 pm

Yes, Aussie slang is a hoot :)
2:04 pm

I loved the SNL episode where present Hilary, told ghost of Hilary past Trump was gonna be the Rep nominee - they both giggled in glee, jumped for joy, double ^5'd - "We're soooo going to be President!"
2:04 pm

2:09 pm

6:52 pm

well done janet50, it is indeed a numbat. Not to be confused with numpty - a general term used loosely for an idiot, fool, your mate who does something stupid, or Donald Trump!
6:59 pm

Jaimie, wombats are solid chunky, some say short fat and ugly marsupials up to about a metre long. They're a little bit like a small bear. I particularly like the hairy nosed variety but none on our side of the continent. For more info see
7:09 pm

Apparently the Scottish came up with numpty, so I must have heard it from a Jock of which there are many here in Perth. Great word, nobody can find it offensive but conveys the point beautifully.
7:11 pm

Maybe we should have a new word game - words that describe someone as a numpty that are equally inoffensive yet hit the mark. There must be hundreds from around the world.
7:14 pm

Can't count how many times I restarted the Jan 28th and have yet to complete it!!!!
7:53 pm

Sussed it, needed to tick the show profile box
9:26 pm
