10:53 am
Diane, there's plenty more to add to the list - pesticides, many drugs that are dangerous and banned around the world but legal in the US, high fructose corn syrup, the list goes on. To be fair though I doubt the public are aware as the US media doesn't highlight it. Hopefully the world of the internet (given for by Austraians by the way, for US companies to then abuse and bombard us with ads for crap we don't need etc. Amazon can't even get their head round the idea of why the rest of the world thinks having drones filling the skies is a bad idea! Did 9/11 teach them nothing at all?
10:58 am
Drwho, sorry mate but you're wrong, it is obvious how wrong the lack of banking regulation in the US was to the rest of the world. We still of course caught a bad headache from it. And yes, regulators do check samples of individual lending and we heavily fine those who bend the rules or take away their licences to lend. As someone said, the US govt makes the mistake of allowing what they don't understand to go unchecked. Maybe they just don't care really about anything other than their campaigns to get elected or reelected.
2:20 pm
having a bit of a head-ache - later for this
6:40 pm
About four really tricky virtuals. 24.
8:44 pm
gotta work on this during commercials, then to bed . . . sorta go