chat prefs...
12:18 am
Done, no green.
9:29 am
Phil what did you mean by internet (given for by Austraians by the way.... ?
9:37 am
i lost my autofill javascript. Where do I find it again???
1:04 pm
Three loners of four. I'd say that makes it pretty tough. 20.
2:06 pm
Phil, been swimming through the waters of my life, been enjoying your posts. Nice to hear how rest of the world perceives Americans - even if it's not positive, it's important information.
2:19 pm
ummm, in what universe was that an easy?
3:22 pm
Difficulty score 26. No green. HK it's an easy in the universe of technical definitions.
3:26 pm
gman: here is an auto green script--
javascript:var kMax=1;for(i=1;i<10;i++){var lMax=1;if(i==kMax)kMax+=3;for(j=1;j<10;j++){i\nf(j==lMax)lMax+=3;if(grid[i][j].value==''){Cl\nearTinySquares(i,j);for(k=1;k<10;k++)grid[i][\nj]['mini'][k]=1;for(k=1;k<10;k++){var tmp=grid[i][k].value;if(tmp!='')grid[i][j]['m\nini'][tmp]=0;tmp=grid[k][j].value;if(tmp!='')\ngrid[i][j]['mini'][tmp]=0}for(k=kMax-3;k<kMax\n;k++){for(l=lMax-3;l<lMax;l++){var tmp=grid[k][l].value;if(tmp!='')grid[i][j]['m\nini'][tmp]=0}}}}}PopulatePuzzle(grid);
3:29 pm
You need to go through it and remove all \n sequences. The Iron Sudoku Chatterbox tries to add linefeed characters to break up long lines. They show up as \n.
3:53 pm
How do you use the script once you've removed all the \n?
3:57 pm
The best thing is to make a bookmark out of it. Put the script sans \n in the URL field of the bookmark.
4:05 pm
I am probably not doing the correct thing. I chose a puzzle form the archives, then added a / after the url, pasted the script after that and hit enter. The first time I did it I hgot a message telling me it was forbidden 403. I've tried again since, and absolutely nothing happens.
4:12 pm
Replace the URL with the script, don't append it to the current URL!
4:14 pm
But that probably won't work either. Newer browsers make it hard to inject javascript from the URL field of the browser for security reasons. Try making a bookmark out of it. Then when you have an Iron Sudoku puzzle open click on the bookmark.
4:23 pm
Using Google chrome, it just takes me to a google search if I replace the url or do the book ark thing. Back to inserting greens by hand for me, but thanks for trying to help.
4:26 pm
Make sure that javascript: is the first thing in the URL field. As a security precaution most browsers strip out the javascript specifier from cut and paste strings.
4:29 pm
ah, that works, thank you very much
5:33 pm
Finally, Finished the puzzle from January 18th...
5:46 pm
I put the auto-green script on my website. Check my profile for the URL. This auto-green script is self contained, meaning it won't stop working if my website goes offline.
7:46 pm
drwho's auto-green is wonderful.
10:05 pm
dgondda in Chrome, hit F12, click the console tab when the developer tools pop up, in the console copy and paste the greens code that drwho posted
10:12 pm
you do that after you've loaded a puzzle (archived or new)