12:23 am
Difficulty score 28. No green.
5:54 am
Call me cynical but if there was a way for someone to make a lot of money out of assisted suicide it would be legal. That's the point there is no money in it. drwho, aren't you a free market capitalist? :-)
5:56 am
actually suicide is not illegal. Historically, various states listed the act of suicide as a felony. In the late 1960s, eighteen US states had no laws against suicide. In the past, many states regarded suicide as a felony, but these laws were seldom enforced. Currently there is no law against the act of committing suicide in the United States. <- From Google
6:02 am
6:04 am
I'm done for today. I apologize to all who hate my posts and thank all who engage in the lively discussions. We will be putting down our oldest cat today. He lived a great 13 years!!
8:35 am
Tuco, everything's relative. 1965, one of 400 engineering students, LTI freshman year English finals. EZPZ... interpret the metaphoric meaning underlying a poem. Only 3 students figured it out (not moi). The professor gave us the answer verbally as we were leaving the lecture hall - youth in Asia. Youth in Asia? Twenty yrs later ran into an engineer who graduated from LTI a yr behind me. We began reminiscing when one of us asked the other what's the one thing you remember about school? We both responded simultaneously, "Euthanasia!!" The prof had used the same final exam on every successive freshman class. Probably the only time in history the subject was discussed in humor.
8:51 am
There's an old 1992 French film, Un Coeur en Hiver, a Heart in Winter that explored the love it takes to assist a mate in crossing over. The French accept that at times it can be a necessary kindness.
5:51 pm
drwho - I had tried the bookmark method, but reading your suggestion, I thought I'd look again. Guess what? the "j" in javascript somehow went missing ;). All is good.
8:40 pm
Pretty respectable. Some loners, including a virtual loner. A unique rectangle. I'll give it a 24.