11:08 am
Diane: you are discovering the joys of programming. One typo causes the whole thing to crash. B.T.W. I have the bookmark on my website so you can just left click a link and drag it to your browser's bookmark tool bar.
11:11 am
Re: the bookmark, I just checked my webpage and realized I didn't add the bookmark to my "table of contents". So you can find the bookmark by scrolling down to the bookmark section. I will be correcting the table of contents soon.
1:44 pm
I'll give it a 14. But I had a headache from doing taxes.
9:03 pm
tuco, I am sorry to hear your news. At the age of 60 I got my first pet, and then a year later my second. Both of them are tabby cats and I am scared of the day that I must make the same decision. Also concerned about what will happen to them if I die first. My heart goes out to you.