7:57 am
And to expand on KnightTime's message, you could enjoy those bananas whether they were bought with dollars or shillings
3:40 pm
EZPZ, two at a time for the most part. 9.
10:03 pm
Difficulty score 15. No green.
10:04 pm
Metric difficulty score 47.12
10:08 pm
Oop, used the wrong conversion formula, corrected metric difficulty score 44.41"
"approximately, the exact metric score cannot be represented by deicmal fractions.
10:25 pm
Diane, if I am reading between the lines correctly your recipes are now in conventional English units because that is more convenient here in the US. If I lived in Canada, I would use metric recipes too because it would be more convenient. I really don't believe all the hype that the metric system is so superior that US businesses are losing tons of money. I think most of the engineering work is done in metric here just like everywhere else. But take my Honda, made by a Japanese company, with metric nuts and bolts. Yet the speedometer is in MPH, not KPH. The trip odometers can be switched to either miles or kilometers. Honda is getting all the benefits of doing their engineering work in metric and I bet it costs them more to put the steering wheel on the left side of the car than to convert to English units in order to sell their cars in the US.
10:27 pm
Moral of the story: it really doesn't matter which system of weights and measures we use in the US. What matters is which system the American people want to use.
10:29 pm
B.T.W. when was the last time you saw an American made car sold with an engine displacement listed in cubic inches. They are all sold by the liter.