1:08 am
The United States is not and has never been a democracy. It is a representative republic.
5:28 am
KnightTime the U.S. is actually both a Democracy and a Representative Republic.
10:18 am
A Representative Republic that is not a Democracy would be one where the Representatives were appointed and not seated by vote. This was the case in the Senate until ratification of the 17th Amendment allowing direct elections of Senators.
10:19 am
The House of Representatives has always had direct elections thereby making us a Democracy and a Representative Republic.
10:39 am
DING. It got real slow for me. There was one pretty bad spot. 26.
10:59 pm
tuco - so assuming that by democracy you mean majority rule of the people through elected representatives, then, why if, as you contend, the majority of people want gun control, do they not have it? If we had a true democracy the will of the people would prevail, correct?
11:06 pm
If the US isn't a democracy, how do you vote for the policies of your government? Your system seems so weird to those outside the US we probably need someone to explain it to us.
11:22 pm
Phil, we can't even explain it to ourselves, let alone to you.