6:52 am
Ionibelle: true, but fascism is about as far from a free market as one can get without actually abolishing the right of property ownership. So, if fascism is right wing, then Glenn Beck and I aren't right wing.
7:54 am
@drwho: none of the swithces was programmed in COBOL (of course) but all of them had software with Y2000 issues even in the "intelligent" 3rd generation of that time. But they were all upgraded by the vendors mid 1998 already. If I remember correctly the Dutch Telco had AT&T, Nortel and Ericsson switches, so they were programmed in C or Erlang. But they were not the issue, there were over 500 internal systems that had to be checked, ranging from the oldest - from1963 that was really well written and documented to some very sloppy modern junk.
1:14 pm
dr. who, that is factually incorrect. In Hitler's own words "Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic." He forced German workers into one massive labor union to benefit the owners. For him the "socialism" part had to do with what was best for the German "volk" Strong nationalism, strong commitment to "traditional values", and militarization. I am not claiming that Hitler was a true conservative, but he is a caricature of part of right-wing policy. His control of industry only came about as his war-machine got going and similar co-option existed on every side (rationing, etc.) Alas, for us liberals, there are many examples on are side as well. So I guess you aren't right-wing then ;o)
3:40 pm
There's an old saying, that in any political argument, the guy who first invokes the name of Hitler loses.
4:53 pm
Here's a new saying, Anything political that is NOT an argument, is not political.