1:22 am
We don't need cuts we need more revenue. Raise the top marginal tax rate 4% and raise the tax on unearned income 4% Obama would not veto that.
1:23 am
Obama went along with the cuts that came about through sequestration.
1:25 am
In other words let the "temporary" Bush tax cuts expire like they were supposed to.
1:26 am
They won't do that because their donors would pitch a fit.
6:16 am
Who'd thunk that the Republican Presidential Candidate would be a Ruskie sympathizer? Where's Joe McCarthy when we need him?
7:51 am
Funny when the Democrat Presidential Candidate got a ton of russian cash when we made a uranium deal with Russia. Either way, Putin wins.
10:12 am
Maybe the fastest I've ever clicked. 7.
11:47 am
I remember being puzzled by the Cold War when I was around 14 around 1970. Every time the USSR was pictured in the media the women were all old toothless babushka wearing fat ladies waiting in line at a grocery with empty shelves. I asked my father, what the heck? Do the Russians hide all their young good looking women? I was certain the 4 Networks at that time just didn't want us to know that there were any beautiful women because then it would be harder to vilify them.
11:49 am
We thought "Back in the U.S.S.R" was tongue in cheek.
11:50 am
Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out. they leave the West behind.