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Difficulty: Expert Thursday, September 1, 2016

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CHAT LOG for Thursday, September 1, 2016

12:17 am

Done. 1 guess.
12:27 am

Done, three guesses
1:04 am

Thank you Dr. Who!
4:40 am

i don't remember doing anything that deserved this puzzle
4:43 am

1 lucky guess. lucky, lucky moedog.
5:17 am

5:20 am

Morning. Go.
5:30 am

Done. NG. EZPZ.
7:28 am

drwho: Walmart is hurting you by paying low wages such that many of their employees require government assistance. That hurts you because it means that you (and I and everyone else) has to pay higher taxes. Paying taxes is reasonable but picking up the slack for a business that won't pay fair wages is unreasonable.
8:22 am

This my friend is pure dilusion:... "t is hurting you by paying low wages such that many of their employees require government assistance." You simply do not have a clue about basic economics in a supply and demand economy. You would do well to get some knowledge in this area before penning your thoughts about wage and price relationships in a supply/demand economy.
8:24 am

lk: Where do you think the money for the public assistance for underpaid employees comes from? And thank for your insights on my knowledge.
8:24 am

for an adult to exit the education system in the US with this incomplete under standing of basic economics means more about a Broken Education system than anything related to tax and wage policies....
8:27 am

lk: Thank you for a good laugh. Anything real to say?
8:27 am

No. I'm good. Thanks!
8:28 am

I did assume you were an adult...could be a mistake. My bad if that is incorrect. It would make for some modicum of understand how ridiculous the idea about how low wages are connected to taxes...
8:29 am

Okay instead of insulting why not explain your point?
8:29 am

and I made an assumption about your education as well. I could be off on both.
8:32 am

Tuco are you addressing me?
8:37 am

8:39 am

lk: Yes, your assumptions about my education are erroneous. As to my age ... well, I thought I was an decades ago but the numbers don't matter when insults are more fun for you. As to the issue of the economics of low wages meaning higher taxes for everyone else, here's a study with the lead author being a respected economist,\nerty-wages-the-public-cost-of-low-wage-jobs-i\nn-the-fast-food-industry/ (remove the /n where it occurs) that explains it, but you probably will ignore facts because of where it is posted. Oh well.
8:40 am

Since you may be...I'll answer your query. If Walmart paid $500 per hour would they be paying enough for you to go to work for them? It's a silly question as you would be first in line to get that job, whatever it would pay 1/2 your income in taxes..>How many greeters would walmart hire at 500per hour? as many as they have today? :) No. if they hired 1000 at 10 per hour today, they only 20 correct? so now there are 920 people who GET ZERO WAGES...
8:42 am

I am not going to apologize for finding humor in the calculus you use because it is simply unequivocally a very very low comprehension level IN MY OPINION.
8:45 am

lk: It has been a few decades since I taught calculus. I've looked back over this chain of comments and see none, not ever reasonable arithmetic. If you mean 'calculus' to refer to rationale then I would encourage you to peruse the article I linked to below. Of course such a study might well be below your "comprehension level".
8:45 am

I am humbled. I really can't follow that. But I think it may help my belief that we can exceed the speed of light. WalMart greeters can't be paid $500 an hour, they would lose their SS benefits. :-)
8:46 am

That are paid from your SS taxes.
8:46 am

To make an assumption about the impact of HIGHER COST WAGES, without a related, direct correlation to a reduction in the the acquisition of 'means of production' in a supply / demand economy is a fantasy. The ONLY SYSTEM in which you can proffer a propostiion which eschews the impact of higher costs with NO impact is in a GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED Economy...but, there is a precedence about the government established supply economies...AND THEY HAVE ALL're concept is a fantasy or illusion...but it is not one which applies in the world we live in today.
8:46 am

You show me a WalMart greeter under the age of 70 and I will send you 1000 bitcoin
8:48 am

Thanks for the article. Any thought process which offers any solution which disconnects costs from the supply and demand relationship is FLAWED. Period.
8:49 am

Are you factoring in the ability to deduct the amount you pay your employees from your taxes?
8:49 am

You are welcome to the last word.
8:49 am

Taxes my friend are ALWAYS PAID....
8:50 am

There is no REBATE unless there is a gub-mint give away program which a group of the population is awarded and ENTITLEMENT to be paid as a benefit. THEY PAY NO INCOME TAXES.
8:51 am

I am talking about tax accounting.
8:52 am

You are silo'ing cost revenue and tax items in an attempt to make a point about cannot do that.
8:52 am

If you have a million dollar income and you pay $500K in wages to your employees you can deduct the $500K from your tax liability.
8:52 am

Not only wages but benefits can also be included in the tax deduction.
8:52 am

If I pay more wages. I hire fewer people. The tax consequence is the same....ITS BASED ON MY CORP EARNINGS.
8:53 am

You hire people based on demand. Not on wages.
8:53 am

Oh lord. Really????
8:53 am

No. Sorry.
8:53 am

You pay what the lowest you can get away with and Labor has to fight to get a better deal.
8:53 am

Enjoy your day!
8:54 am

Why would you hire more people than you need?
8:54 am

lk: Solutions are a debatable topic. I stated that low wages result in higher taxes for everyone else. The study I linked to confirms this. You seem to reject this because they were not also addressing demand and supply economics. Please feel free to continue to ignore anything that doesn't match your preconceived notions.
8:54 am

Hiring is based on demand. Not supply.
8:55 am

This is exactly why supply side economics is Voodoo Economics.
9:00 am

If you have a glut of oil, the oil workers get laid off. Too much supply. The price drops and demand increases depleting the supply and voila, oil workers back to work.
9:02 am

I just heard that the U.S. consumed a record amount of gasoline this summer which should lead to higher oil prices soon.
9:19 am

There is a huge disconnect between the perceptions of how economics work and the way they actually do work. It has been made so complicated that even the people employed in their respective industries like producers and refiners don’t fully understand what is currently taking place.
And as usual, meanwhile the Social Justice Warriors on here have picked the standard of fair wages up off the ground and are riding to the sound of the guns… except none of them will ever put their own lives on the line. They expect you and your children to take care of that small part of their massive sacrifice. They did their part in pointing it out. They will stop and watch while others die for their righteous causes. I know about that part only too well. I’ve seen the blood, brains and guts shed under the guise of protecting democracy and freedom, when in truth it was about protecting international corporatism… but that’s a story for another time.
So… what is a fair wage for greeting people at the entrance? Running a register? Stocking shelves? Changing signs? Unloading trucks? Sweeping floors? Just wondering. Yes, these poor people are victims in a sense, because they live in a phantasmagorical world of make believe they can’t escape. There’s no doorway marked exit. They could improve themselves and their lives but they have lost their moral compass and have no idea what words like personal pride, ethics and honor really mean. They have no curiosity, no hunger for knowledge. They are lost souls.
What’s being described here are only the symptoms and the recommended panaceas for treating them. They are merely substitutes for curing the disease called greed, and the total destruction of what was once an incredible standard of living. The mainstream media has been feeding you these lies. Look elsewhere, but hurry. Time is of the essence. It won’t be long before the internet shuts down.
9:44 am

9:55 am

Join the IWW. It may not do any good but it makes you feel a little better. ;-)
10:11 am

10:12 am

Difficulty score 38.
10:17 am

Penguin, minimum wage laws have cost us more in higher taxes than low wages. Remember, the true minimum wage never changes. It's what you get when minimum wage laws price you out of the labor market.
10:20 am

Most of the people working minimum wage jobs now, will not be making minimum wage in a year or 2. Usually minimum wage jobs are an entry point into the labor force, not a trap from which there is no escape.
10:22 am

But hey, if you want to boost minimum wages, that just creates more work for someone like me who worked in factory automation for 10 years.
10:33 am

MrO: there is a difference of opinion on what Apple and Ireland did. As far as Apple and Ireland knew, what they were doing was legal. An EU commission now says otherwise. The case is far from settled.
10:34 am

Frankly what Ireland did was smart. Lower taxes, attract businesses and create employment opportunities for your citizens. Much smarter than raise minimum wage, put citizens on welfare, raise taxes.
10:38 am

drwho: Your theory that minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs is belied by the numbers,\nmum-wage.html
10:53 am

Minimum wage, what’s that? What does a minimum wage in Guangzhou or Shenzhen pay? If a Chinese worker was paid $10/hr his standard of living would jump exponentially, and yet the Iphones his company makes for Apple which Apple sells for 600+ dollars costs Apple, what? Less than a hundred dollars? Minimum wage is a specious argument when applied on an international playing field. Economics, specious argument. Forex, specious argument. Everything is being manipulated and you guys are talking about it like everything underpinning the system here is above board. It's not.
11:02 am

It cracks me up when people say things like the politicians are spending taxpayer’s money. No they are not. They know the government has no intention of paying its debt off and neither does any other country, with the exception of a few outliers like the Scandinavians.
11:04 am

Wealth in this country is created from debt, not labor.
11:06 am

Debt is the stolen production of future labor.
11:09 am

The bankers control the world.
11:20 am

The Baltic Dry Index. The first major oceanic shipper, a So Korean co just went belly up. Its ships have been refused entry into all international ports. This is the beginning of the end. Get ready for a new world government.
11:21 am

How 'bout them Red Sox,eh?
11:25 am

Sorry. How about them Patriots, huh?
8:58 pm

9:03 pm

9:35 pm
