12:58 am
pause, pretty easy so far
2:15 am
ng/ng long chain that bites its own tail
2:19 am
no alternative facts any more - let's march for science today
4:31 pm
Science is about overturning ideas that are currently widely accepted as facts. Some of today's so called alternative facts will ultimately prevail, regardless of whether people rail against them. That is the real inconvenient truth.
4:46 pm
No, Science is a about following a method that turns a hypothetical into a fact. What you are describing TallMike is propaganda.
4:49 pm
Science is basically a search for the truth. Alternative Fact is a euphemism for lie.
8:18 pm
scientists present the facts, politicians twist the facts to suit their political aims. In the US it seems its exacerbated by the corruption of money from lobbying and donations. What the world needs is a dose of common sense and fairness. It seems the public is getting to the point that it distrusts point where it is willing to protest to get the politicians to start to see what they really want. Apathy is no longer good enough
9:19 pm
done, without greens or guesses. Think it's only the second expert I've worked out. Hardly a genius but rewarding nonetheless
10:00 pm
Did it, no green, no guess. It had several tandem virtuals and what I'll call a double pinch (though it probably has some sort of wing name.) Nothing hard to hold in your mind at one time. 28.