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Difficulty: Easy Thursday, July 20, 2017

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CHAT LOG for Thursday, July 20, 2017

12:08 am

Done. ng, ng.
12:13 am

5:47 am

TallMike, it's best not to make up stuff when it's so easily disproved (unless, of course, you're Trump, in which case some of his diminishing base believe him). The ACA was thoroughly debated, hearings were held, input (even from women!!! imagine that!) was received. It was way watered down from the original proposal.
5:50 am

Yes Diane, and even though no Republican may have voted for the Bill they were included in the debate and allowed to add amendments. Even though ObamaCare was originally based on the Republican Heritage Foundation's health care plan and RomneyCare.
5:54 am

ObamaCare did have a source of funding. It raised taxes on the wealthy. That is why this travesty of a Republican bill is really a wealth care bill and not a health care bill. It provides for almost a trillion dollars of tax cuts for the very wealthy and corporations. Ask Warren Buffet if you don't believe me.
5:56 am

Get Woke, Get Ready for Impeachment. <-- Mark Thompson from Make It Plain Sirius/XM channel 127.
5:57 am

Also Listen to Randi Rhodes live Mon-Fri at\nLttZgw1wbnQ
5:58 am

If that link didn't work just Google Randi Rhodes youtube She is the greatest. Total research and her tag line is "Don't believe anything you hear from me or anyone else on the radio/media. Look it up!"
6:04 am

Also how can you say there was no source of funding for the Risk Corridors if they cut funding for them? Doesn't make any sense at all.
8:34 am

Nancy Pelosi: We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. Remember? Try this:
9:00 am

So here we go again. She got tons of flack for that. And well deserved. What does that have to do with what is happening now? I get accused of misdirection all the time when I speak up in here. What are you doing now?
9:01 am

The facts remain. They are outlined very will in the link Diane provided below.
9:01 am

well even ;-)
9:04 am

Hillary's email problems are not sufficient cover for not investigating possible treason by the Trump team. Nor is Nancy Pelosi's poor choice of words cover for pushing through a horrendous Wealth Care bill with almost no debate. Nor is it a very convincing response to "....Doesn't make any sense at all" it just makes you look like you are going Yeah you are right but , Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah.
9:08 am

And when I say Pelosi use a poor choice of words. She was responding to the question of what is in the bill after months and months of open debate on CSPAN and the media. I remember all the Right Wing talking points saying nobody knows what is in the bill. Well all they had to do was read it. Unfortunately the intellectually lazy right just goes along with their propaganda masters and parrot their B.S. saying no one knows what is in the bill. I did. I read it. Did you?
9:48 am

EZPZ 14.
10:10 am

Finally, a posting everyone can agree with. thank you Unike
11:19 am

Done - I would have finished earlier
but I had to go cash my welfare check
and pick up my food stamps
11:20 am

but my county supplied limo ride was late
1:54 pm

"Yea though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am as a thumping brass or a tinkling cymbal
3:33 pm

Diane, you are missing something. While many of the ideas and principles included in the ACA had been the subject of prior public debate and hearings, the actual passage of the ACA through Congress was a train wreck of panic and deception rather than debate and careful consideration. The panic started on January 19, 2010 when the Democrats lost a Senate seat to a Republican in a special election in Massachusetts, thereby also losing their previously filibuster-proof super-majority in the Senate.
3:34 pm

The Democrat majority in the Senate had previously passed a health bill which the House Democrats planned to revise, pass and send back to the Senate for final passage. However, the Democrats' suddenly weakened position in the Senate forced them to pass the imperfect and incomplete Senate bill through the House and then almost immediately pass another bill through the House and Senate in an attempt to patch up some of the known defects in the ACA.
3:35 pm

It was necessary to limit the second bill to budgetary issues so as to avoid a filibuster in the Senate, and there was also a rule which required that the second bill had to consist of one or more bills which had already emerged from the committee process. The second bill, which was really two separate proposed bills combined into one, was therefore necessarily woefully incomplete and of questionable legality because its scope extended far beyond mere budgetary issues. However, the House and Senate Democrats passed it and became the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, signed into law by President Obama on March 30, 2010, just seven days after he signed the ACA.
3:35 pm

That is my evidence. Yours, Diane, is apparently limited to a link to a Snopes page which attempts to compare the degrees of secrecy practiced first by Democrats and later by Republicans in relation to Obamacare. Note that the Scopes page entirely fails to mention the total veil of secrecy which enabled the Democrats in both chambers to pass two defective bills and to stretch the intent of the Senate Reconciliation Rule way beyond all precedent before the Republicans could understand, analyze and react to the egregious political coup that finally gave us Obamacare.
7:19 pm

tuco said: "Entitlements are not a bad thing."... So you're saying we need to and should be SPENDING MORE!!! Hoooo Leeee S.N.A.P.
7:21 pm

hahahaha...Ok! carry on. I am with you, 2.5Trillion should do the trick right? That would give the 60,000,000 who "need help" a $42,000 a "stipend" to attempt to make ends meet!!
7:21 pm

You can bet your sweet mass, I'M IN!! Heck, I will be signing up for sure!!
9:28 pm
9:31 pm

What is an "entitlement"? Are you entitled to Social Security? Are you entitled to a strong military? Are you entitled to good schools and roads? Are you entitled to a social safety net so that our neighborhoods are not filled with starving people or beggars?
9:33 pm

"entitlements" are programs that we have paid into. Even people on welfare at some time have paid taxes. There is almost no evidence of cradle to grave generational welfare recipients.
9:36 pm

When the right cries about "entitlements" needing to be cut it is there way of getting you to vote against your self interest because why should they care if we give a small percentage of the taxes I and you have paid to help the needy? What they really want is a tax cut so they have more money in their pockets. And you have to pick up the slack in higher property taxes, fees or higher costs in privatized services like schools and prisons.
9:39 pm

So this is just smoke, after all Herr Furor has just been reported as asking his legal team if he can pardon his aides, family members, and himself. WTF? We are worrying about anything else? It is kind of a known legal idea that anyone who accepts a pardon is admitting guilt.
9:44 pm

Why would anyone believe anything lk911, TallMike and the Right say when you guys have been wrong about everything for the last 40 years? Trump is going to MAGA. Obama is evil and not a citizen. Nancy Pelosi is a witch. A real witch. Liberalism is a mental disease. Trickle down economics works. Guns don't kill people. The Estate Tax applies to everyone. God hates Gays. Global Climate Change is a hoax. Renewable Energy will never supply enough energy. All B.S. except the part about Pelosi being a real witch. :-)
9:46 pm

Oh wait, I forgot, that's right. You guys are right because Hillary lied about Benghazi and Bill got a ****** in the white house.
9:48 pm

I can't wait to hear you guys if it comes out that Herr Furor actually did do a Quid Pro Quo with the Rooskies. You will say, so what? Hillary and Obama got rich getting speaking fees and writing books. As if they are equivalent.
9:55 pm

TallMike your point about losing the Senate Seat when Kennedy died is well taken, but misleading. It allowed the Republicans to water down the ACA and put in amendments that would later come back to haunt us. ie the ability to defund the Risk Corridors in a larger spending bill.
9:56 pm

There are insurance companies that are suing the U.S. for breach of promise after defunding the risk corridors. This is the real reason Trump can claim the the ACA is imploding. The best part of the wikipedia post about the ACA is the chart showing the subisidies and how high the income level is for people that get subsidies.
9:58 pm

Republican governors who refused to accept federal monies for expanding medicaid also hurt the implementaion of the ACA and they did this not to help the people in their state but to try to kill the ACA so that it might fail and put the Republicans in the position they are in now to give a huge tax cut to their donor class.
10:00 pm

The Republican party and Libertarians are sworn enemies of the commons and of the New Deal and the Great Society. They won't be happy until they get their hands on the Social Security trust fund and turn it over to their donors on Wall Street.
10:03 pm

This is why they use terms like "Takers", "Welfare Queens". They want you to believe that anyone who isn't worth a certain amount of money is to be disparaged and demonized. They want you to believe it is the poor that ruin the economy and cause all the crime. Let them have control of all the wealth and resources of this country and the world and they will let it trickle down to those of you they deem worthy. F that!
10:05 pm

They believe Health Care is not a right. It is not part of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It is a commodity. Something to generate profits. If you have enough money you deserve better health care. It is pure Free Market economics. F that!
10:06 pm

We do not have to accept this. We never accepted it in the past. People have always risen up against this kind of oppression. This redistribution of wealth to the top. It has never turned out well for the 1% and it won't this time.
10:12 pm

And the last thing I am going to say to my Trump supporter friends. White culture is a myth. White people have never been a majority in this world. Just the most violent. Also the Religious Freedom Act you are hoping for is very dangerous. Hoping that it will keep people from being prosecuted for not doing their job or serving someone based on their religious beliefs... Not a good thing because then how do you prosecute someone for performing genital mutilation based on their religious beliefs or them enacting Sharia law in their communities.