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Difficulty: Easy Sunday, August 6, 2017

Not Completed Play This Puzzle

CHAT LOG for Sunday, August 6, 2017

12:01 am

The regulars here are very good; much better than I will ever be. Do try to keep it honorable by never guessing. occasionally using greens. If I fail to solve it, c'est la vie. I don't feel compelled to get it finished every time. The only trick that has helped speed up my time to solve is eliminating double and triple locked unsolved sets to then crack the remaining missing numbers in a row, column, single box or set of 3 boxes - the simplest minimum fields that require all 9 numbers. Does get faster for seniors like moi. The Andrew Stuart school of pattern recognition I leave to DR. GOd and others w bigger frontal lobes than I.

12:01 am

The regulars here are very good; much better than I will ever be. Do try to keep it honorable by never guessing. occasionally using greens. If I fail to solve it, c'est la vie. I don't feel compelled to get it finished every time. The only trick that has helped speed up my time to solve is eliminating double and triple locked unsolved sets to then crack the remaining missing numbers in a row, column, single box or set of 3 boxes - the simplest minimum fields that require all 9 numbers. Does get faster for seniors like moi. The Andrew Stuart school of pattern recognition I leave to DR. GOd and others w bigger frontal lobes than I.
12:01 am

The regulars here are very good; much better than I will ever be. Do try to keep it honorable by never guessing. occasionally using greens. If I fail to solve it, c'est la vie. I don't feel compelled to get it finished every time. The only trick that has helped speed up my time to solve is eliminating double and triple locked unsolved sets to then crack the remaining missing numbers in a row, column, single box or set of 3 boxes - the simplest minimum fields that require all 9 numbers. Does get faster for seniors like moi. The Andrew Stuart school of pattern recognition I leave to DR. GOd and others w bigger frontal lobes than I.
12:04 am

12:05 am

Oops. Time to go.
12:14 am

Done. ng, ng.
12:14 am

12:18 am

12:21 am

12:24 am

JT - Thx. I try to get as far as I can without using greens as a way to stretch mentally. I have no issue with using greens - my DSL line is slow enough that working without greens is faster than typing them all in. I view guessing as a perfectly acceptable solving method, but try to avoid it simply because it's slow. I post start/stop times and if greens or guessing was required simply because I'm in the Central Time Zone and am usually up at midnight when the puzzle goes up and my comments may indicate to later players how difficult the puzzle really is. And I do feel compelled to finish them all - OCD will really drive me nuts if leave any of these undone. :D
12:25 am

12:53 am

JeffysMom, don't you mean CDO so that they are all in order? LOL. I saw that one a t-shirt. I am done with everything up to January 2016. Have 4 left from 2016, but I have about 10 left from the last two months. I think that my brain left me about then, it must have.
12:53 am

on a t-shirt. or on one t-shirt. or something like that.
1:13 am

joey - you are so right! I've seen that t-shirt slogan too. I started working puzzles in Sept. 2014, so when all the puzzles became available I went a little nuts until I'd solved all the back puzzles. And now I'm playing catch-up on the other sudoku site I use. I hope I don't stumble across any other sites - trying to catch up is really time consuming!
1:26 am

Thank God I don't know about the other site, and no, please don't tell me. I did the same thing when the back puzzles came out. I really don't know what happened for the last two months, I just can't seem to catch a break on any of them. One of them I know that I have started and given up ten times. I keep on trying, though.
2:51 am

joey - I've outlasted 2 other sudoku sites in addition to the one mentioned below. They ran for years, then their version of Dr. God shut down their sites. It was a relief to be able to stop without the CDO kicking in!
4:45 am

4:50 am

5:25 am

6:22 am

8:36 am

I haven't been able to figure out how to get greens to come up on my Kindle so I have solved all for the last 2 years without greens. I won't even try to tell you how long some have taken but I did finish all the day they came up.
9:51 am

Don't mean to ask a really dumb question, but what are "greens"? I am on a laptop computer, and see only grey squares (the "givens" in the puzzle) and white squares (the numbers I enter). But I never see anything green.
10:10 am

To get "greens" and "reds" see Help and Advanced Game Mechanics.
10:24 am

5:46 pm

Somewhat slow. 16.
11:05 pm

11:11 pm

11:46 pm

Thank you, @Penguin ! Found the information. Much oblighed. I've never used "possibles" (greens) or "nots" (reds) when solving puzzles, but I'll give it a try !