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Difficulty: Hard Saturday, September 30, 2017

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CHAT LOG for Saturday, September 30, 2017

12:16 am

12:20 am

12:47 am

12:59 am

5:57 am

6:30 am

Penquin, The Ten Commandments do not apply to the Right in this country unless they are using it to protect themselves. Thou shalt not steal, Unless you are Wall Street. Thou shall not bear false witness unless you are running against a Democrat. Thou shall not commit adultery unless you are trying to Impeach a Democrat for adultery, Thou shall not kill unless you "fear for your life" from an unarmed person of color.
6:58 am

Tuco, it seems that in my previous post I and in your recent post you are both making the same mistake as those who twist the Ten Commandments to justify murder and more.

See\nract for the abstract of a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science on perceptions of the intent of one's deity.

Perhaps summed up best by author Anne Lamott: "You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do."
6:59 am

And remove the \n from the link, as usual.
7:04 am

Isn't that the basis of almost all Religions? My Belief is better than your Belief? Why would someone join a cult of magical thinking if they didn't think it was better than a different cult of magical thinking?
7:06 am

Unless they had a different motive. Helping the poor, seeking solace in times of pain. Belonging to a group. Domination of non-believers, etc...
7:08 am

One can argue a more benign origin, explanations for natural phenomena that would not be analyzed scientifically for millennia, without necessarily accepting validity.
7:08 am

And you wrote effectively that while I was typing too slowly.

7:09 am

:-) Off to fix some clocks. Enjoy
8:14 am

" unarmed person of color..." [br]You realize you are making a discriminating statement right? If there were zealots on here, who wanted to play a victim or superiority card, they would definitely cry RACIST!! "COLOR" [br]"people of color"? why are they not just "people"... point being: Language matters. [br] second point: genetically every "person" on earth is 99.99934% same genetic make up...THERE IS ONE HUMAN RACE...that's it. There is no black race. There is no white race. There is no orange race. Period. Ignorance perpetuates the myth and the mistake. [b]$0.02
8:39 am

lk, And yet the statistics of who is stopped by police, who greater force is used against, who is incarcerated, and who is killed is clear. That there is only one species of Homo Sapiens today, there are those who discriminate based on fear of those with different skin coloration or ancestry. Racism is a term to refer to such inappropriate discrimination, naught more.
8:44 am

you go right ahead an keep your language of comparison and separation and see how it works out...the only thing worse than ignorance...ignorance compounded by stupid! carry on!
8:45 am

This chat app is terrible, no edit capability...should read "Yes, they..."
8:46 am

it's LANGUAGE that makes the would the world LOOK if it SOUNDED other words, all people were spoken of as BEING the same...I believe that is how the statement "all men are created equal" SOUNDS...
8:47 am

It doesn't sound "he's black" or "he's red"...
8:48 am

How would anyone ever know about discrimination if there were no words to describe it......this conversation about racism only exists becuase of the language...
8:48 am

I'm open to anyone disputing or countering those statements...
8:49 am

I suspect the debate will be very short.
8:49 am

So recognizing that there are superficial differences between people and that those superficial differences are correlated with and evidence of discrimination and then calling that discrimination racism is the problem?
8:49 am

so...people can perpetuate the ignorance or's a choice.
11:04 am

Nice pair used three times. 16.
11:56 am

The reason lk911 that we don't say people is because ALL people are not being treated the same. It is not because of the language. The language perpetuates the actions by demeaning people. Saying "people of color" clarifies who is being treated differently. If we were back in the 18th-early 19th century we would say Germans are being treated unfairly or discriminated via a racial bias. As it is now it is "people of color" who are being treated unfairly and have been for a very long time in our society. I read a report on our adventure in the Phillipines. It was a quote from a soldier writing to his hometown newspaper. He was quoted as saying "killed 14 ni**ers today" Yes language is important. If it makes you look at another human being as sub-human and therefore justified in killing them.
2:01 pm

sudoku is a religion
3:17 pm

One more moment on Zinn. I would like to respond to the person who said his views were 'skewed' or something like that (sorry, I don't recall who it was). My response: Big effing DUH. It's right there on the cover: The title is: 'A PEOPLE'S History of the US.' The title is NOT: 'A RICH, WHITE MAN'S History of the US.' We all already know that story very well. Something about the victor getting to write the history . . .
4:36 pm

sudoku is a rich white man named Zinn
5:34 pm

7:19 pm
