2:28 am
Term limits are a red herring. We already have term limits. They are called elections. My beef with term limits is.... If you have a rarity in office. Someone who is good at their job and really represents the people and not just special interest. They are gone after they are term limited out. Term limits also tend to push office holders to support the special interests even more than they do now since the office holder needs to do favors in order to secure employment after they are term limited out. It also gives more power to the parties. Since term limits ensure that a new candidate is needed every X amount of years, candidates must bow to the party in order to get their support. The answer isn't term limits. The answer is get the money out of elections. Limit lobbyists powers. End the revolving door, where office holders go to work after serving for donors to their campaigns.
2:38 am
DrWho I would disagree that it is lack of courage that keep the Republicans for doing what they say. After all aren't they they party that has the courage to deny to have confirmation hearings on a sitting President's SCOTUS nominee? Aren't they the party that has the courage to do nothing about gun control even though a vast majority of their constituents are for something being done? Aren't they the party that has the courage to lie to their constituents telling them there is no such thing as climate change? Or maybe I am confusing having courage to having no shame and hypocrisy?