5:46 am
In 52 BCE the famous Roman politician Cicero held a speech "Pro Milone", defending his friend Milo against a murder accusation. In this speech the term "res ipsa loquitor" appears in the Roman legal literature for the first time. At the end of section 53: "res loquitur ipsa, iudices, quae semper valet plurimum." The rough translation is "the case speaks for itself, [o] judges, as always should be given the highest weight."
The word res can mean both case and fact and it is very interesting that the first part of this sentence refers to the whole case, and the second part to the facts of the case. It is an interesting rethorical twist that corresponds to the overall quality of this speach where Cicero did present very few facts but sketched many alternative explanations, or, we could say in this era, an alternative reality.
But he lost the case and Milo was deported. So we can see that from the very beginning this legal phrase has also been used to avoid discussing the facts and to avoid taking responsibility.
7:17 am
It is unfortunate that it is not possible to private message friends in this chat.
7:55 am
Eyeman: thanks for adding a touch of whimsy to this chatterbox.
11:43 am
helenkeller, I think you may have misunderstood my reference to working as fast as I could while solving expert puzzles. My goal was not to reach elite status as quickly as possible but rather to push my brain to learn faster by solving each individual puzzle as a race against time. It seemed that my learning process then took a different path focused more on seeing patterns and connections immediately, rather than plodding through painstaking searches for the advanced techniques I had read about but not learned to apply.
11:55 am
TallMike, No, I totally understood what you were saying & I think that's interesting & cool. I should have included that in my post. I was sharing my experience in dealing with the 'undone.'
11:58 am
I am having a really hard time with December 12th's puzzle.\
1:32 pm
A bit of trouble with a long line crosshatch and two crossies (for which I need to be more wary.) 16.
3:54 pm
helenkeller, is this the same man you told us about on December 24? And the same bar? I can't wait for the next episode in the series.
4:45 pm
Even if it is a bit repetitive.
5:18 pm
I'm enjoying the bar jokes!
5:22 pm
And I enjoyed this puzzle.
5:22 pm
A man walks into a bar, and there is a guy there saying, "Ouch" so to not be redundant he says, "That hurts."