7:18 am
Sure...outlaw guns and prohibit stores from carrying and sell them...it certainly works for drugs. The cities in the U.S. with the strictest gun control laws also have the highest homicide rates from guns.
9:30 am
you need to tackle the problem as a nation not a city.
9:32 am
Start looking at the rest of the world, not just in America. What's the in Canada? Australia?, Germany?, Japan? It can be done, it just needs the people to say enough in sufficient numbers.
10:53 am
Judy is citing bull crap http://www.scarymommy.com/strict-gun-laws-red\nuce-gun-death-rates/
3:07 pm
Also spouting Breitbart and Fox new talking points about Chicago and gun laws is also perpetuating a thinly veiled racist scare tactic against gun control. https://www.npr.org/2017/10/05/555580598/fact\n-check-is-chicago-proof-that-gun-laws-don-t-w\nork