2:55 am
drwho, sea ice actually makes no difference this article may help https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ho\nw-is-worldwide-sea-level-rise-driven-by-melti\nng-arctic-ice/
10:02 am
That was a fun click-fest.
3:56 pm
Phil, you can stop worrying about polar ice caps. They are not melting. In 2009 scientists predicted an ice free north pole by the summer of 2013. That didn't happen. So they revised the estimate to 2016 and again it didn't happen. Now some of them claim that 2020 will be the year. That won't happen either.
8:38 pm
Phil there were some who predicted 2013, but they were a minority. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/state\nments/2009/sep/02/john-kerry/kerry-claims-arc\ntic-will-be-ice-free-2013/