9:12 am
hmm started over twice and must have made the same mistake both times...
1:17 pm
Done! Easy! No greenies! No guessing!
5:57 pm
Hi, I moved over here from Babbling for awhile and have been working on the archives. I'm up to 370 for now. I've seen many of you talking about being able to fill in all the greenies instantly, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. Would anyone mind giving me a hint??????
6:04 pm
shar - there's a program, i've never used it & don't know it, however, some people keep a copy of that program in their profiles
6:04 pm
sorry, that's all the help i can be, see ya later, bye
6:50 pm
sharidan - click on my profile to get instructions and the javascript for green number autofill
7:21 pm
to get the greenies, hold down shift key and then click on the box you wish to place a possible number or numbers in... you can then come back and put in the correct number when you have figured out what goes in it