3:54 am
Dear Jawlike, Spike dies.
7:22 am
Difficulty score 26. Easy for a medium.
8:45 am
Amazing Beautiful Creatures Dancing Excites the Forest Glade...in my Heart how I do Jump like the Kudu... Listen to the Music so Nice the Organ Plays... Quietly Rests the Sleepy Tiger Under the Vine-tree by the Waterside... and X marks the spot neath the Yellow moon where the Zulu chief and i did spy
8:53 am
Sort of nice poem for the morning. Thanks. Someday I'll put up my one good poem.
8:55 am
Done. Easy. No hangups lasted more than a minute or so. Nothing harder than virtual crosshatch.
8:56 am
I had to start over. When will I ever learn - coffee first, then sudoku!