9:27 am
Penguin, it's just a given that the US (federal and state governments both) have imprisoned and executed many, many innocent people over the years. This is why we don't--well, didn't--use the death penalty any more.
There's just no point to it. It's not cheaper, it's not kinder, it's not a deterrence, there's no practical value at all.
1:58 pm
SJ, I disagree that "it's just a given". Too many people are not aware. Thus the importance of The Innocence Project.
2:32 pm
And you are correct that capital punishment, even when used on the guilty, is more expensive to taxpayers and a greater burden on the courts. Zero real benefit.
3:21 pm
Trump re-instituted death penalty on federal crimes because he emulates dictators. Countries with whom we share the capital punishment honor: China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Viet Nam and Iraq.