7:03 am
Canadian radio is reporting a big toilet paper fight in an Australian store. Hope you're OK Phil.
7:59 am
M3 so what media do you watch or listen to = just those that support your view I would imagine.
8:00 am
Angie, thank you for your concern, I survived! Idiots all of them.
8:05 am
HK, of course, and you know what's scary, the fact that a lab in the US was working on a coronavirus vaccine years ago after SARS (similar) but couldn't raise funds to take it to human trial! That's the problem with a system that only wants to make money. Universities and government funded research should be backed by the likes of the Gates Foundation, Google and Facebook (The avoid tax so at least have an ounce of social justice) and work on medicines, vaccines etc for the good of all humankind, not just to make the rich richer and leave people to doe who can't afford the absurd prices. If this doesn't bring the failures of the system into focus, then nothing will.
11:41 am
Phil, very interesting. It all boils down to greed. :(
3:18 pm
everything boils down to greed (selfishness) at the core. without that, humanity would die off. imagine if you personally never did anything selfish. you would starve to death because you'd give all your food/resources to others. pedantic, obviously, but on the grand scale, all innovation is the result of greed. what truly advances humanity is compassionate capitalism. greed that isn't greedy at the complete expense of compassion. that's how you get the likes of the Gates Foundation and numerous other charities