4:31 am
That might be the easiest hard I have ever done
5:31 am
ng/ng - only loners and cross hatching
6:09 am
fit1, one way to put greens into your puzzle is to open my profile in a new window (click on the female person icon to the right of my name) and copy the text in the Bio field. Then create a bookmark in your browser (I call mine "greens") and paste the copied text into the URL field. Then by clicking the "greens" bookmark, you will add greens into your puzzle. Hope that helps !
6:14 am
fit1, for me, using greens works best when I play on a computer. I have difficulty actually using greens if I try to play Iron Sudoku on my kindle; I've never tried it on my phone ...
1:49 pm
Thanks for that JudyHall! You are amazing!
7:03 pm
Limer’s back.....how long has it been?????
8:27 pm
Way, way, too long. Last puzzle was June 8, 2016.