12:10 am
MrO, in the US gas can mean gasoline, natural gas or propane, all important but different fuels. A quart is two pints, presumably you mean a quarter, although here that usually refers to a coin and so we often say one fourth instead.
12:17 am
Done. Another easy, I am sick of easy sudokus
4:47 am
And TM and MrO, you all drive on the wrong side of the road! Ha ha
5:22 am
Sweden moved across on one day in 1967 and Iceland followed a year later.
12:56 pm
as easy as $2/gal gasoline :
10:41 pm
The traffic switch in Sweden on September 3, 1967 took just ten minutes, from 4:50 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Remarkable.