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Difficulty: Expert Sunday, October 6, 2024

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CHAT LOG for Sunday, October 6, 2024

3:32 am

Fun Expert ... slow-go :
5:52 am

nice expert
6:06 am

ng - but difficult to reason it out
6:09 am

Facts art stubborn. they never go away.
6:10 am

9:04 am

Expert Expert, one guess.
12:22 pm

There are basically two different ways we can look at the world. One way is to understand the world by learning facts about it. The other is to practice skepticism as a screen through which we view the so-called facts recognized by others.
12:22 pm

The first way tends to be much more efficient. The second way can take a lot more time and effort, and can be an obstacle to making decisions in real time.
12:22 pm

Using the first viewpoint people may see the job of science as establishing facts. People using the second, skeptical viewpoint tend to see science as also constantly re-examining established facts for flaws.
12:23 pm

If facts never go away, Galileo would still be in purgatory and the Vatican would still be the center of the universe. And followers of Newton would be mystified by observations which demonstrate relativity.
4:25 pm

so true, tallmike, so true...
4:30 pm

Never commented here before, and never will again, for the simple reason that the internet is a false leverage device, presenting every statement as of equal value, a device now very widely weaponized. As a simple present example, no, learning facts and skepticism are not opposed or in any way inseparable, using pure logic if you werent skeptical about a non-fact presented as fact as was Galileo at the time, as has never been the Vatican, you wouldnt go looking for fact and the proof of its fact-ness. The true versions are much more complicated than solving a logic puzzle, which is what this is here for, good luck to all whod use it otherwise.
4:34 pm

Sorry, white lied colon there WAS helpful punctuation in that last. That is just bad code, also ubiquitous, but generally much less harmful -30-
5:53 pm

Oh hey crappy is commenting! Yo, Ive been chasing you through the rankings, just on your tail for MONTHS, lol, Hello!