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Difficulty: Medium Monday, October 7, 2024

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CHAT LOG for Monday, October 7, 2024

12:13 am

Very easy Medium ... fun clicking :
7:27 am

@TM the earth always orbitted around the sjun.
7:27 am

@TM the earth always orbitted around the sjun.
7:40 am

@TM The geocentric model was replaced by the heliocentric model when Galileo showed it was a better model, given thefacts. Of course the earth did not change orbit in those days. That orbit was the stubborn fact that came back after 1700 years when Aristarchos already observed that the heliocentric model better fitted his observations.
7:59 am

@TM your second example is also wrong. Newtons law is only a fact within a certain model. As the saying goes- all models are wrong, but some are useful -. When Einstein refined it, it didnt explain eveything in physics so that is another model that is useful but might be refined again.
8:03 am

@TM by the way Michael Ignatieff, is the author of the Facts are Stubborn saying, I was just quoting him.
9:32 am

Nice medium